Building Caulking

Caulking Calgary

building caulking
Caulking Application

Building Caulking Systems

We are expert providers of a number of different building caulking systems for multiple applications in Calgary and the surrounding areas, including window caulking and exterior caulking, standard sealant installs, and replacements for high-density traffic sealants.

We have considerable experience in applying sealants to parking decks, stadiums as well as entire buildings.

Contact Sure Seal today by filling in the form on our contact page or calling 403-265-8677.

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Caulking and Sealant

Types of Caulk

Caulk and sealants are not permanent, however, with proper caulking, application, and choice of materials—they can last for more than intended. We remove old and faulty caulking systems and replace them with the appropriate type of caulk or sealant.

Caulks and sealants are used to prevent water, air, gas, noise, dust, smoke, and moisture from entering the interior of a building or structure for optimum health and longevity.

No matter what type is needed, silicone caulk, acrylic latex caulk, paintable caulk, urethane, pre-formed silicone extrusion systems, or pre-formed foam sealants—Sure Seal surely knows what is best to use depending on the project.

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Floor sealing
Floor Sealing

What Our Clients Say

When Caulking Deteriorates

Caulking being updated

Old Caulking

The caulking on your building can get old, and dry up. This leaving space for wind and water to get in and cause damage. As you can see in the picture on the left, this is what happened to this building. We remove the old damaged items and replace with new caulking that fills the space. 

Some of the consequences of improper caulking can cause water intrusion, leading to property damage. These damages could have been prevented by proper caulking, saving you time and money.

Sure-Seal will make sure to add more structural integrity to any building and structure—new or old. We ensure long-term building health and will always put value in our work by putting safety and integrity first!

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How does it work?

Assessing the Project

We start every project by assessing the structure and looking for areas that have issues with:

  • Air loss
  • Leaks
  • Mould
  • Moisture

After determining the areas of the building that need to be addressed—we start caulking and sealing the areas.

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Sealing Door

We understand that any structural design’s objective is to keep the tenants safe from life-threatening damages caused by natural calamities. This is typically the most significant difference between professional contractors and amateur work.

Get professional help with sealing and caulking your structure, building, apartment, and any other type of property.

We answer all your questions and give you a FREE quote, please fill in the form on our contact page or call 403-265-8677.