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EMSEAL Wall Expansion Joints


Roof expansion joint application
Wall Expansion

Building Structures 

Building structures is a very meticulous process. It might look straightforward, especially for simple building designs, but there is much more to worry about when it comes to adding integrity for the longevity of a well-built structure.

Improper sealing of structures when expansion happens can cause many problems in the future. When expanding a structure, there are many things that need to be addressed—and some of those things are proper execution, proper sealing of gaps, and of course, choosing suitable materials.

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what is a roof expansion joint?

Join Roof and Walls

A roof expansion joint is a roofing membrane that is designed to seal joining roofs and walls. It is to be airtight and provide a waterproofing and firestopping element to stop any leaks that may cause unnecessary wear on buildings. Many manufacturers create expansion joints, but only a few pass Sure-Seal’s standards when it comes to design and effectiveness.

The best roof expansion joint design should have longevity and practicality in mind. It should not only fill cavities on joining walls or wall-to-roof joints but it should also be designed to seal and protect the walls and roofs from leaks and other elements that can cause wear on a structure.

The Emseal Roof Expansion Joint and other Emseal products are some of our go-to suppliers when executing projects. Because of its high-quality design and effectiveness—Emseal products are in line with our vision… High-quality workmanship, SAFETY, and structural integrity!

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Sure-Seal Roof Joint
Roof Joint

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Roof expansion joint assembly

Tile Assemblies

The Emseal Roof Expansion Joint features a patented dual-seal design. It is a double-flanged and extruded thermoplastic rubber system that is made for sealing expansion joints in roofs, plaza assemblies, as well as greenhouses and other types of garden roofs.

It has maximum water tightness, thanks to the positive integration with its roofing membrane. It is specially designed to transition between the joints between two roofs or roofs and walls.

Below are reasons that make it the best on the market:

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Roof Joint Applications

Aside from its standard applications, such as roof-to-roof and roof-to-wall, this Emseal Joint can also be used for softscape plazas, split slab hardscape decks, and many more.

It is an effective and versatile joint that has many applications—which is why Sure-Seal approves this Emseal Joint, as well as other Emseal products.

Aside from its standard applications, such as roof-to-roof and roof-to-wall, this Emseal Joint can also be used for softscape plazas, split slab hardscape decks, and many more.

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Emseal roof joint expansion joint applications
Roof Joint Application
Just like Emseal, Sure-Seal is a contracting company that shares the same vision—which is safety. Creating buildings is a serious job that shouldn’t be entrusted to just anyone. It should be executed by a company that has been in the game for decades, only serving customers with the best service—and that is none other than Sure-Seal Contracting Ltd. Get professional help with sealing and caulking your structure, building, apartment, and any other type of property. We will answer all your questions and give you a FREE quote, fill in the form on our contact page or call 403-265-8677.